August 13, 2016

Insane Asylum N.

We spent the night at a friend's pharmacy. Why a pharmacy? Well, said friend was on emergency duty in her pharmacy that night, and since it was conveniently close to where we wanted to go, we asked her if it was possible to spend the night.
The next morning, we got up relatively early as we had a pretty long ride and a couple of locations ahead of us.
The first spot we had planned was an old insane asylum that had been used by the Soviets after World War II.
Parts of the buildings are being taken care of by an association for its conservation and are being used for events such as tours, readings or summer theater. We didn't really know what to expect, so we parked the car near the place and walked some way across an open field until we reached the first buildings.
Some of the buildings have already collapsed completely, others are in use and inaccessible. After looking around for some time, we finally found one building that had an open window, and we climbed in.
You could clearly see the Soviet relics, especially the newspapers under the paint on the walls.
The day was pretty dark, there was no sunlight that morning, and so the light supported the rather bleak mood in the old asylum...

To find out more about the history of this mysterious place e and to check out all the photos from this nice spot, click the button below.

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